Easter update

To start the off the Easter holidays, me and mum rushed off to London, for a quick look around, before attending an award ceremony at the Royal Thames Yacht Club. It was the 2022 Classic Boat awards and I was presented with the ‘Young Classic Boater of the year’ award - a category I believe they invented for me! This was an amazing honour and I went home that evening with a beautiful trophy shaped as a boat, and I must say that the varnish is even better than Falanda’s! On our return, I had my birthday and then we went straight out to sea for the weekend, accompanied by my family on a plastic boat of all things! With a gentle trip to Brixham the first night, we were accompanied by a stunning sunset where the whole sky turned pink, before slowing melting away to darkness as we reached Torbay. The rest of the evening was spent staring into the patch of water ahead of us, terrified we may hit a crab pot in the pitch black - luckily, we didn’t! Next morning I woke up to l...