Resting in Conwy

Although a bit frustrating, we've quite enjoyed our stay so far in Conwy Marina, having not had a rest day since Grimsby! The Marina crew here are very friendly, and even offered us a lift to the supermarket, which we gladly accepted! Whilst dad was replacing the rot in his spreader, I helped a nearby yacht cast off, not thinking much off it. "Look, somebody who can coil, want to come out with us for a sail!?" , "okay!" I jumped at the chance to go out on a 58' fancy sailing yacht, and within 5 minutes of looking at the boat, found myself at the helm! Although there wasn't any wind I really enjoyed myself, and it was nice to discuss my plans for the future, including more long-distance sailing, or racing, like possibly even the mini-transat. Turns out there is a mini 6.5 moored near us in the marina! As well as sorting out my reefing system, today we also topped up with fuel, which brings me onto the subject o...