Brixham Heritage Regatta

On the 26th May me, Falanda, and crew left the Exe for Brixham, where we stayed all weekend for the Brixham Heritage Sailing Regatta and Rally. We had a great time with the regatta fleet and it was the perfect chance to splash our new mermaid despite the lack of wind during the course. We left the harbour on Sunday once my crew had jumped ship, and the wind died off completely just in time for the start of the course. We lost all speed and steerage about 20m before the start line so spend the next 45 minutes or so drifting about before some wind returned. Then, to my delight the sails filled, and falanda glided gently past my parents on Karuna. Falanda started sailing herself so I let the tiller go and wandered up to the bows for a better view of Karuna sailing behind us. After rounding the first mark the wind went away again so the fleet drifted around until the course was shortened and a breeze came in. Although I was again delighted to finish before my dad, one of t...