Public speaking at the Boat Show

I had my first public talk at the Southampton Boat Show on Saturday, which, although completely terrifying, turned out alright! I managed to get all I wanted to say out, despite being so nervous that I said it in just over 20 mins, half the allocated time! Not sure if anyone could actually understand what I was saying, but they seemed to like the baby pictures, and I got to announce my next plan: The Mini Transat 2023! Immediately after I'd finished, it was @Murdoch McGregors turn, and he talked about his trip around Britain, as the oldest person to ever do so! He told his story brilliantly, and I was even invited up for some pictures with him, at the end! I got to spend the rest of the day walking round the boatshow, and of course, talking to as many people, and businesses, as possible! However, unfortunately I also have some bad news; after an sending an email to the Mini Transat organisers a while back, to make sure there isn't an age limit for the race...