
Showing posts from July 18, 2021

To Whitehills

Another great sail today, on a beam reach most of the way (once the wind had picked up an hour or so after leaving).  We briefly met 2 guys on an motor cruiser this morning before leaving Peterhead, and were amazed when, half an hour later, they literally dropped of a sausage roll and fresh fruit to dad, whilst at sea!! We were both suprised at their kindness, and after only a 5 minute chat! After probably the best sail of this trip so far, we were greeted in Whitehills by the friendly harbour master,  just as the sun started to come out. The rest of the day was lovely, and we had a quick shower before a walk around the (town../village..?) . This evening we were once again amazed by the generosity of a family who are also doing the trip around Britain - in a powerboat! We have been moored near them for the last 5 or so harbours, each time arriving late so not having much chance to say hi. However, we were (bewildered?) when they offered to cook tea for us, and even more supris...

Stonehaven to Peterhead

 Finally more wind today, so had an awesome sail averaging 5.5 kts!  We arrived in here (Peterhead), at around 10.15pm (2215) this evening, just before it got properly dark, with all the lights of the ships lining the harbour walls. I don't really know why but I was kind of terrified coming in here, not just because it's a comercial port, but also just coming into the marina. Thanks to Peterhead harbour control, who helped guide me into the marina, and although we only have 4 hours here before we leave tomorrow morning, it seems like a nice marina in the dark!!  This morning the harbour master in Stonehaven brought us down a tillerpilot that had arrived the night before, and I really can't thank Jerry enough, for sending it out here. It's such a kind gift, and obviously really handy aboard Falanda.  Tillerpilots are great because its like  having an extra member of crew, so that you can go below and get some food, or go for a pee, or take a fix for a minute or s...


 Another small leg today, Arbroath to Stonehaven, around 30 miles. Our stay in Arbroath yesterday turned out to be really nice, and we had all afternoon to explore, chat, and have some chips!! Next to the showers and toilets, the marina have a room for visitors to escape from their boats, and sit down with full headheight for a change..!  We motored out of Quayside Marina Arbroath this morning, to fog, with headwinds and a slightly choppy sea. It was nice to finally have (some) wind, although it had died down a bit by mid-afternoon, and left us tacking in around the lovely Scotish coast. We were suprised at how many seabirds were lining the cliffs today, and feeding in the water, they made the Exe estuary look empty!! Our little boats look tiny against the brakewater here in Stonehaven Harbour, but it seems like a nice town, and we even went for a walk up to the war memorial on the hill above the harbour.  Someone was kind enough to come down to the harbour for a quick wa...


 After our 4am start, the sky stayed clouded over untill we arrived in Arbroath, at around 3pm, just in time, as the lock gates were closing! As we tied up, the sun came out, and has been shining ever since. Arbroath Harbour is beautiful, and everyone is very friendly - we're loving Scotland so far!! Despite the nice weather, the lack of wind is very frustrating, and we have had to motor all day - across the Firth of Forth. Unfortunitely it doesnt look like the wind is going to pick up anytime soon, so I've had to shorten our leg tomorrow, to Stonehaven. As well as hundreds of gannets, we also saw the first Minke whales of the trip, with two passing straight underneath Falanda!! We were very pleased to have a visit, and I think dad also spotted a few passing by as well!  Link to my fundraising page for Sea Shepherd UK is here:

We're in Scotland!!

We were told this part of the East coast is  stunning, and this morning, in the fog and drizzle, as we gazed out over the white sea and the white hillside, we were truly in awe of its beauty! The thick fog stayed with us untill 2pm, when the sun came out and started burning it off, leaving us with a nice, but still completely windless day.  We had unfortunitely missed all the scenery on the coastline, however our first stop in Scottland couldn't have landed us in a nicer harbour. Today we saw the amazing team of rowers, as they continue down the East coast, on their way around Britain, via the 'Lionheart Great Britain Race'!! Rannoch Adventure It was great to see so many smiling faces, whilst alone out to sea, and luckily we passed after the fog had lifted. I was very impressed at their challange, and really do wish them fair weather, and good luck! They are out, all day, everyday, rowing the entire way around England, to raise money for the British Heart Foundation . Whils...

Amble - Last stop in England!!

Today we had the shortest hop so far, at only 25 nautical miles, so it was a lovely day sail, once the breeze picked up and the sun came out! A few volunteers from Sea Shepherd UK  kindly came down to welcome me in, and took lots of (very professional!) photos of the boats !! Tomorrow will be our first port in Scottland, so very pleased to have gotten this far, in under 3 weeks! I'm a bit nervous about coming into Eyemouth, as there a lots of rocks surrounding the enterance, and the actual channel (between the breakwaters) is very narrow. This means that you have to commit to your course once on it, and there is no turning back!  Food! So, what do we actually eat when out sea...? Well, when at sea, there is usually lots to do, and you must always be on watch, keeping an eye out for ships, crab pots, and other stuff. This means that your probably not going to have enough time (or energy) to cook a 3 course meal when on passage.  I also don't have a fridge on board, so noth...

To the river Tyne

 Apart from a boat breaking down 3 hours away from Whitby, today turned out to be a rather dull motor, when the forcasted wind didn't show up. We did, however, have an escort of dolphins for almost an hour, and me and falanda watched as they played in her bow-wave! The guys onboard the boat contacted us via VHF, and said their engine had broken down, and they needed a tow.  When dad on Amaryllis didnt have enough power, we then added another boat to the convoy, and soon enough all three boats were trudging alsong at 2kts (against the tide, as always).  We towed them to the enterance to Whitby, and then dad pulled them right up to the dockside while I waited a couple of miles offshore. Soon enough though, we were moving, and could continue the last 50ish nautical miles to North Sheilds, where we are safely moored now. (arrived 10pm)  Some volounteers from Sea Shepherd kindly waved me in, and came down to have a chat about the charity, once tied up. I can now do a bit ...