Charity fundraising

So happy to be supporting Sea Shepherd UK as I sail around Britain! Thank you so much to everyone who has donated, its really nice to read the lovely messages everyone leaves! 

The link to my JustGiving pages is below:

Lonely Whale are also an amazing charity who basically collect ocean-bound plastics, and convince big companies/businesses like IKEA, and Del Computor Manufacturos to use this recycled plastic in their products. 

 They have started lots of massive campaigns, trying to raise awareness for ocean health, and get the younger generation involved too! 

Unfortunitely, I can't set up JustGiving page for Lonely Whale, as they aren't a UK based charity. However, you can have a look on their fantastic website and donate via

We are still waiting for calmer weather in Eastbourne, but hoping to get to Dover tomorrow, and then Ramsgate the next day. 


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