East Cowes to Brighton.

One of the longest trips so far, with plenty of wind so we had the boats sailing nicely! After leaving The Isle Of White behind, we averaged 6.8 kts, and touched 8kts later in the afternoon.

After passing Selsey Bill, a small blow came through early, and the wind was a bit stronger than anticipated. I got some great footage from coming into Brighton on a camera, but I am unfortunitely having techinal problems uplaoding them, and forgot to take more photos as the wind picked up.

Although it got a bit choppy, today was actually one of the first days I felt Falanda was sailing at her best, and I think we would have happily carried on forever! According to dad, it was gusting a 6 towards the end of the day.

It was weird letting the ropes go in East Cowes, watching Ros Ailither staying put on her new berth, but we have a mission, and are very please with who she has gone to. We are now in Brighton Marina, thank to Premier Marinas , and I am planning our next passage to Eastbourne for tomorrow.

Action shot from this morning, just before Selsey Bill

After rounding the Bill

Big fancy race boat sneaking past me as we left the Isle of Wight behind 

Moored up in Brighton


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