I couldn't have been on better boat today, as we had the best sail yet, on an unfortunitely short trip from Whitehills to Lossiemouth, (less than 25 miles).
We left late morning, and with the wind picking up, had a cracking downwind sail the whole way. I finally had my wind, and dad was also happy because we were in no rush to leave, so no alarm clocks!!
Although we had an amazing sail, and even touched 9.5kts, I can safely say coming in the narrow enterance to Lossiemouth was the scariest part of the trip so far! After getting the main down 200m away, motoring into the channel was slow going, even with the sea behind us. Although I had almost full revvs on coming through the brakewaters, we were hardly moving, and I had almost no steerage, so we were being thrown around, with only meters either side to the breakwaters. (yes, I still dont know how to spell breakwaters so put both)
Once into the main harbour, there was almost no swell (but still plenty of wind), so I shot straight into my berth, where, once moored up, we were greeted by the lovely harbour master. Soon, dad came in behind me, and despite the fact that I was still a bag of nerves, said it was a complete dodle. He did however, have salt water down below, and only have one fender out when coming in, so it can't have been too easy!
Finally some wind - v happy!
Decks drying off once in
Sails up after leaving Whitehills
Tiller pilot in action |

Trying to take a picture whilst sailing
Trying to work a camera whilst sailing (don't have much storage so uploading everything online) |
Entrance to Lossiemouth |
Moored up (together) at Lossiemouth |
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