To Whitehills

Another great sail today, on a beam reach most of the way (once the wind had picked up an hour or so after leaving). 

We briefly met 2 guys on an motor cruiser this morning before leaving Peterhead, and were amazed when, half an hour later, they literally dropped of a sausage roll and fresh fruit to dad, whilst at sea!! We were both suprised at their kindness, and after only a 5 minute chat!

After probably the best sail of this trip so far, we were greeted in Whitehills by the friendly harbour master,  just as the sun started to come out. The rest of the day was lovely, and we had a quick shower before a walk around the (town../village..?) .

This evening we were once again amazed by the generosity of a family who are also doing the trip around Britain - in a powerboat! We have been moored near them for the last 5 or so harbours, each time arriving late so not having much chance to say hi. However, we were (bewildered?) when they offered to cook tea for us, and even more suprised when they actually served us up a plate of gourmet salad and stuff, followed by fresh fruit - a luxury! We couldn't thank them enough! 

One thing that has really been a suprise to me, is the kindness and support of complete strangers, who I've never even met before. There have already been so many amazing people we have met, which I just havent had the time to mention in my blogs.

View of Falanda from the cruiser

All moored up in Whitehills


View of the boats from across the harbour

Just as the wind started to pick up - still blowing from behind


Millions of jellyfish in the water!


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