Around St David's Head

 After a couple of days stuck in Fishguard, we are finally on the move again! 

Last night some friends came over, and after a couple of hours discussing different sailing boats, we agreed to go for a quick sail before I set off this morning. So, as soon as Falanda began to float again, we headed out for a play outside the harbour. It was weird to  a) have someone else onboard with us, and  b) not have a particular destination. 

Unfortunitely the mizzle didn't lift, so we were soaked before I even got going! 

Once I had dropped off the extra crew,  we had a cracking sail around the first headland, (video 1), and the sun even came out for a bit! 

The wind was bang on our nose going through Ramsey sound (quite a scary passage, with the light fog), so we had to Motor Sail until out. Video 2 is leaving the sound.

I had a choice of either going through Jack Sound (between the next islands and headland) or out a bit further to go around most of the big rocks. After a bit of thought, I decided to go around, as we knew it was going to be a bit bumpy, with the recent winds. We would also have the wind against us, causing the sea to chop up, due to wind against tide.

Although there was a bit of the Atlantic swell rolling in as we rounded the Skomer, it was quite fun, especially at 10+ kts. (A couple of big waves broke over Falanda, and lots more started to fill up the cockpit!) 

We were motoring into the wind again, when the overheating alarm went off on my engine. After quickly stopping it, and making sure the actual surface wasn't boiling, I checked the water - fine - and then the oil, which was a bit low. 

Dad told me it was probaly just the oil, so I topped it up, and the engine seemed to run fine after that (although it was only going for another 10 mins).

Once in at Milford Haven, we both had a quick shower, (as we've been at Fishguard for ages!), and tried to clean up the salt water below. Next we will be crossing the Bristol channel, and then hopefully wizzing along the south coast!


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