Resting in Conwy

 Although a bit frustrating,  we've quite enjoyed our stay so far in Conwy Marina, having not had a rest day since Grimsby!  The Marina crew here are very friendly, and even offered us a lift to the supermarket, which we gladly accepted! 

Whilst dad was replacing the rot in his spreader, I helped a nearby yacht cast off,  not thinking much off it.

 "Look, somebody who can coil, want to come out with us for a sail!?" , 


I jumped at the chance to go out on a 58' fancy sailing yacht, and within 5 minutes of looking at the boat, found myself at the helm!

 Although there wasn't any wind I really enjoyed myself, and it was nice to discuss my plans for the future, including more long-distance sailing, or racing, like possibly even the mini-transat. Turns out  there is a mini 6.5 moored near us in the marina! 

As well as sorting out my reefing system,  today we also topped up with fuel, which brings me onto the subject of motoring. I realise I have chosen to raise aweness of a green charity, and that some of you may question my thoughts of motoring.

Like may sailors, I despise using the engine, and try my best not to ever turn it on. However, I am restricted massively by time, and unfortunitely have to get back home for school.

 Everything also depends on the tide, which I can't go against, so for example like on our last trip, to Conwy, we had to leave at 11am, to safely get round the Mull of Kintire. Due to a tidal gate at the enterance of Conwy Marina, we had to in by 9.30pm on Monday, so when the wind dropped we had to motor the last couple of hours. If we had not made it, we would have been forced to sit around at sea, outside the channel, for at least 8 hrs, (in the dark) which isnt a great possition to put yourself in, especially with the busy shipping. 

We both have very small engines, which use less than 3/4 of a litre an hour, meaning we could steam for 15 hrs, using the same amout of fuel, as me getting a bus to school. As much as I would love to have an electric engine, my budget obviously wouldn't allow me to even think about getting one. 

We try not to go out when there isnt any wind, as much as we try not to be out in too much wind, and use the engines as little as possible. I know I am trying to 'sail' around Britain, but sometimes, using the engine is the only way of letting me do so.


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