How great to be amongst other wooden boats again!
Saturday morning was an early, misty start, so we could reach Brixham, where dad picked up his crew. We then took part in the Brixham Heritage Sailing Regatta and Rally, (on seperate boats, of course!), which was really fun, despite running out of wind for a while!
I was the only singlehander, and after the other boats had tacked back in towards Brixham, me and Falanda pointed out towards France for a while (I was very tempted to carry on across!).
Back on the heritage pontoon, it was nice to chat to the other boaters, and learn more about their boats. I was actually suprised about the lack of classic boats we saw up in Scotland and Wales, so to be sailing among these again was fantastic!
It was also amazing to just be sleeping on Falanda again, although I have done quite a bit of overnight sailing since we returned, there hasn't been any sleep!
...Anyway, it has been confirmed that there is an age limit of 18 years for the Mini Transat, so I have decided my new goal is going to be one of qualification races in 2023, after that, ( and if I'm not completely fed up with sailing by then) hopefully the Mini Transat 2025!
This means that I can continue sailing on the lovely Falanda (and maybe even do some classic boat racing!), and will now be looking for a Mini 6.50, at the end of next year!!

Passing the Greenpeace ship off Teignmouth
Sails up, having left the fairway at Brixham
No wind, just drifting, alongside 'Vigilance'
Sailing alongside the stunning gaff cutter, 'Little Tern' |
Early morning trip to Brixham, before rally |
The art of steering with your feet, much more sociable! |
Playing with the spinnaker
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